Welcome to our Good Food Society pages

The GFS (Good Food Society) is an institution that migrates and replicates following the movements of certain scientists. It appears to become activated whenever there are at least three Presidents residing in the same city (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1

What we do

We eat. To do this really efficiently, we (the presidents) make clever use of voluntary slavery. We plan the menu and forage for the ingredients. Then, invited slaves arrive to help us with (...perform the majority of...) the necessary cooking. Then we all eat.

This very simple concept has proved immensely popular even though the slaves pay for their own slavery! (at a reasonable rate of about $20/event).

The current presidents

Sandra/Tonya, Bee and Hanna have been busy since Elsie left us to work on her Vancouver branch of the GFS. Sandra is often enjoying fresh fish on Lizard Island, so our cunning plan to have a deputy (Tonya) cleverly leads us away from the low-activity region of Fig. 1.

The history of GFS is by now long enough that it is best explained on its own page.
Recent events

Gourmet Stadium Food






pictures to be added


PS don't like the logo? Just email me your formal complaint