
It all started in 2002 (or so) in Jyväskylä where the presidents back then

(Ale, Jonna, and Hanna) wanted more ethnic food than was available in restaurants.

Oh the warmth of African spices in a Finnish winter night...
Or that unforgettable SSS event (sushi, sauna, swimming [in a hole cut in a frozen lake])...

Then, Hanna moved to Helsinki. The Jyväskylä branch carried on but there was also a new set of Helsinki-based presidents, with an incredibly healthy motto.

At some point Dirk moved to France and started cooking there. The deficit was temporary - we were fortunate enough to have Bob join the triumvirate, although the two remaining presidents were quick to invent a quality control measure: any presidential candidate has to cook a 3-course meal for the two established ones before presidency can be established. Bob's skills left no room for doubt.

At rare occasions we even managed to have FOUR presidents cooking together!

Then Bob moved to Australia and has ever since been a bit lame about starting a Melbourne-based society, although we hear rumours of two presidents being there in place - they clearly just need a third one. (And they need to stop talking nonsense about calling it the BETTER food society.)

The Canberra branch, established in 2009 when Hanna arrived there, has been thriving, no doubt thanks to Bee and Elsie and a wonderful set of food-loving students & staff.

Now that Elsie is back in Canada and her position in Canberra has been taken over by Sandra and her super-active deputy Tonya, we are of course waiting for Elsie to get her Vancouver branch going...