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Field trip to Top End and Kimberley, Sept-Oct 2007

Photos by Mike Crisp

This was an expedition from Darwin (NT) to the Kimberley (WA) by the Crisp (ANU) and Cook (UQ) labs to study the biogeographic origins and evolutionary radiation of the flora and fauna of the monsoonal tropics of northern Australia. The research is funded by ARC. Participants were Mike Crisp (egg and bacon peas, Triodia); Lyn Cook ( scale insects); Richard Carter (Brachychiton) and Robert (Bort) Edwards (Melaleuca). Most of the pictures show the organisms we were studying.

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Brachychiton megalophyllus Stuart Hwy 1
Brachychiton megaphyllus Stuart Hwy 1
Brachychiton megalophyllus Stuart Hwy 2
Brachychiton megaphyllus Stuart Hwy 2
Brachychiton megalophyllus Stuart Hwy 3
Brachychiton megaphyllus Stuart Hwy 3
Brachychiton megalophyllus Stuart Hwy 4
Brachychiton megaphyllus with Richard
Brachychiton megalophyllus Stuart Hwy 5
Brachychiton megaphyllus Stuart Hwy 4
Grevillea benthamiana 1
Grevillea benthamiana 1
Grevillea benthamiana 1
Grevillea benthamiana 1
Grevillea benthamiana 1
Grevillea benthamiana 1
Acacia auriculiformis 1
Acacia auriculiformis 1
Acacia auriculiformis 2
Acacia auriculiformis 2
?Terminalia 1
Terminalia pterocarya 1
?Terminalia 2
Terminalia pterocarya 2
Acacia auriculiformis 3
Acacia auriculiformis 3
Edith Falls 1
Edith Falls 1
Edith Falls 2
Edith Falls 2
Edith Falls 3
Edith Falls 3
Edith Falls 4
Edith Falls 4
Edith Falls 5
Edith Falls 5
Jacksonia dilatata Edith Falls
Jacksonia dilatata Edith Falls
Cycas conferta 1
Cycas conferta 1
Cycas conferta 2
Cycas conferta 2
Cycas conferta 3
Cycas conferta 3
Brachychiton megalophyllus Pine Ck 1
Brachychiton megaphyllus Pine Ck 1
Brachychiton megalophyllus Pine Ck 2
Brachychiton megaphyllus Pine Ck 2
Brachychiton megalophyllus Pine Ck 3
Brachychiton megaphyllus Pine Ck 3
Brachychiton megalophyllus Pine Ck 4
Brachychiton megaphyllus Pine Ck 4
Sterculia quadrifida East Pt 1
Sterculia quadrifida East Pt 1
Sterculia quadrifida East Pt 2
Sterculia quadrifida East Pt 2
Sterculia quadrifida East Pt 3
Sterculia quadrifida East Pt 3
Sterculia quadrifida East Pt 4
Sterculia quadrifida East Pt 4

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