Mike Crisp's lab group

People - who's who in the lab...

...and in the field


Crisp (ANU) - Cook (UQ) labs joint retreat ("Bootstrap Camp"), Barrington Tops, NSW, in November 2008

Left group, back row, from left: Bernard Pfeil (University of Gothenburg, Sweden), Bort Edwards (UQ), Gunter Maywald (UQ, part hidden); front row: Anna Kearns (UQ), Paul Lin (UQ), Bobbie Hitchcock (ANU), Penny Mills (UQ). Right group, back row: Richard Carter (ANU), Lyn Cook (UQ, part hidden), Luke Ambrose (UQ); front row: Bee Gunn (ANU), Andrew Thornhill (ANU).


Crisp lab group in November 2007

Back row, from left:
Mike Crisp, Richard Carter, David Morris
Front row, from left:
Andrew Thornhill, Melita Baum, Kevin Omland (sabbatical visitor from UMBC)


[Australian National University] [School of Botany and Zoology] [Mike's home page]

The Australian National University
Date last modified: 2 May 2009
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