Heavitree Quartzite, 800-760 Ma
 Alice Springs from Heavitree Range

Allocasuarina decaisneana

Plenty Hwy dust storm, NT
 Plenty Hwy, ironstone and Acacia georginae
 Plenty Hwy, ironstone
 Plenty Hwy, ironstone gibbers

Dune & gibber plain, Diamantina NP, Qld

Cullen pallidum
 Lake Constance, Diamantina NP
 Eyrean earless dragon, Tympanocryptis tetraporophora

Ruins, Warracoota Waterhole

Capparis spinosa
 Mesa, Diamantina NP

Gibbers & drought

Acacia cyperophylla
 Channel country flood, Windorah to Quilpie

Wolf spider escaping floodwaters

Weddin Mts, central NSW

Bracteantha viscosa

Isotoma axillaris, near Grenfell

Allocasuarina verticillata