Fabaceae tribe Bossiaeeae



Platylobium Sm. 1793

4 spp.; E and SE Australia (Wide Bay in Queensland to Kangaroo Island in S Australia, and in E Tasmania)

From platys (Gk.: flat) and lobion (Gk.: pod), referring to the laterally compressed pods

Shrubs; subtropical, mediterranean and temperate forest, woodland, bushland, thicket and shrubland

Reference(s): Stanley in Stanley & Ross (1983: 265); Ross (1983); Weber (1986: 694 - 695); Ross in Walsh & Entwisle (1996: 816 - 819); James in Harden (2002: 516)

Closely allied to, and probably nested within Bossiaea (unpublished data), from which it differs in the development of a distinct wing beyond the upper sutural nerve of the pod; the extreme enlargement of the two upper calyx-lobes relative to the lower three (this condition found also in Bossiaea spinosa (Turcz.) Domin); a haploid chromosome number of 8 as opposed to 9 in Bossiaea , and pollen with a well-defined endoaperture

Potential as ground cover for erosion control

© J. H. Ross

Platylobium formosum

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