Andrews (1807), Bot. Repos. 7, t. 492, nom. cons. 5 spp.
Gr.: oxys, sharp and lobos,
pod; refers to the acuminate apex of the pod.
South-eastern Australia.
Mainly in dry sclerophyll (eucalypt) forest and woodland.
Crisp & P.H.Weston (1987), Advances Legume Syst. 3,
89; B.Wiecek (1991), Fl. New South Wales 2, 461-464
(species 7-11 only); Crisp & P.H.Weston (1995), Advances
Legume Syst. 7, 262.
Shrubs, some arborescent, closely related to Chorizema
and Mirbelia and distinguished by ovule number (> 4),
wings equal to the keel and the lack of a dissepiment in the
ovary. Formerly included more than 30 species now transferred
to Gastrolobium, Nemcia, Podolobium and
other genera. Circumscription of Oxylobium s.s. has been resolved by Crisp & Cook in Syst. Bot. 28, 705-713 (2003).
© M. Crisp

Oxylobium arborescens, photo M. Crisp |