Labill.(1800), Voy. Rech. Perouse 1, 404, t. 21 27 spp.
Gr. choriso, I separate and
nema, filament; refers to the free staminal filaments.
Restricted to Western Australia, except that C. parviflorum
occurs along the coast of Queensland and New South Wales.
Sclerophyll communities: eucalypt forest, woodland and heath,
mostly on sandy and skeletal soils.
Some species are grown as ornamentals for the attractive flowers,
scrambling habit and holly-like leaves.
Revision by J.M.Taylor & Crisp (1992), Austral. Syst.
Bot. 5, 249-335; popular account by Crisp & J.M.Taylor
(1993), Austral. Pl. 17, 100-126.
Shrubs and subshrubs closely related to Oxylobium and
Chorizema within the multiple embyro-sac group; diagnosed
by high ovule number (4 or more), keel shorter than the wings
and lack of the ovary dissepiment seen in Mirbelia.
© M. Crisp
|  Chorizema aciculare, Tarin Rock, WA |